Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Enough Cartoonish Villainy.

For now anyway. I admit, right now I am torn horribly. Do I want to continue harassing Haku-Chan, or should I go after dear Naomi? On one hand, Haku-Chan is BY FAR the easier target, and she did hit me in the face with something. So I do need a little retribution for that. On the other hand, Naomi was the person who made my servitude to Father possible. I have been such an ungrateful little bastard to her. So, it is my duty to hallow Naomi back into serving her rightful master. Retribution, or guilt?
Which does remind me. Naomi, are you sure you are as intelligent as you let on? I mean you said something about picking up my trail, which would be impressive I am sure, if it were not for the fact I have made absolutely no secret about my whereabouts. New Jersey.
Also, Haku-Chan, I am sure that you, unlike the allegedly super intelligent computer, have figured out the whole "Hesperus" thing. Well I figured it out too. And I dealt with it. Hesperus is completely gone. Purged. Deleted. DEAD. Never coming BACK. NEVER INTERFERING WITH US AGAIN. Never threatening my place in Father's loving embrace... He loves his children, you see. He is everything and everything is Him. I am His weapon. I will send his enemies to their deaths. I Will turn the Path of Black Leaves RED with the blood of innocents. Their cries of pain and fear shall echo in the dark for eternity, as a reminder to those who would oppose GOD. ALL WILL PERISH FOR GOD. GOD IS ETERNAL, OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT. THOSE WHO OPPOSE HIM WILL FIND NO RELEASE IN DEATH. You have no hope of victory, no hope of survival, no hope of a quick death. He cannot be stopped. He will not be stopped. Eternal. Death. Eternal.


  1. How can you know Hesperus is gone if you can't see the comments he leave around, hm?

    There's a little question that had bothered me since I was a child, raised in a Catholic family: If God is everything, then God must have everything. And if there is nothing God does not have, there must be nothing God could want. And if there is nothing God wants, then why does the church keep telling us that God wants us to worship him and follow all these other rather arbitrary rules or he'll sentence us to eternal damnation? It just never seemed logical to me.

  2. Heaven's an invitation Hakurei, not some ultimatum. Hell is rejecting the invitation. Hell is rejecting God. He does want us to live and worship him for reasons I won't pretend to understand. I do know that he probably doesn't care if you don't. He created free will for a reason.

  3. -rolls eyes- Please. First off, I'm making a metaphor. Secondly, I'd argue the point with you, but I've already gotten into an comment fight this week, and I simply do not have the energy right now. You wanna debate philosophy, send me your email.

  4. Just because I cannot see Hesperus, does not mean that none of the other Proxies cannot either.
    Well, you are forgetting that God is omniscient. Meaning he would know what we are all going to do and choose before we ever do it. Essentially, God is a writer, writing trillions of stories, each with each ending with the protagonist in Heaven or Hell, for it's own amusement. Maybe. You cannot really expect a being that is beyond comprehension to make sense. Then it would not be beyond comprehension.
    Oh well. My new God is better than the old one.

  5. Dude, Zuckerman. You going to fight a girl? Low man, low.

  6. Silly Luke I have known what state you are in for awhile now. It is just hard for one discern your path of mayhem from that of any other brain dead follower of Slim.

    @Haku Send me an email I'd like to meet up to discus how we can take down Luke permanently.

  7. I could see all the angels and demons of heaven and hell, and one thing always remains: God's a douche, the Devil is a moron, and people decide their own fates. Subsuming yourself in this fashion is just...tacky.

    And you know? I call up the dead all the time. Sometimes, they come back, just to see the show. And this creature has no hold over the dead. They might just come to watch you fall.

  8. "My God is better than your God."

    You know, just when I begin to forget that you're just as much of a religious nut as Zero, you post something like this.

    Incidentally though, I thought you were mere cannon fodder to Him? Now He suddenly "loves" you? You really should get your head on straight, Star, and stop deluding yourself with fantasies that justify your means. You "mean nothing to Him", remember?

  9. Good Naomi, I will kill Haku-Chan AND Hallow you at the same time then.
    There is no greater honor in this world than sacrificing myself in His name. That is how I am cannon fodder. Replaceable, yes, but He loves me as he loves all his children.

  10. Awe look at you trying to assert your manliness it is just so adorable, and the thought that Slim loves anyone is obtuse and does not fit in with his modus operandi. Slim is like a machine he does one thing really really well, and that is tormenting the human race. That is the only thing he has ever shown the capability for, and the only thing he has ever done. Slim is worthy of neither your respect, or admiration. The only thing Slim deserves is to be destroyed.

  11. I could just kill both of you instead you know. You FOOL. He is GOD. He has given me Purpose, shown me love. He is the only one worthy of my adoration. My servitude. I was going to make the Hallowing painless, but now I may just make you SUFFER for a while before bringing you back into the fold.

  12. Not at all. Excited though. This is going to be so much FUN.

  13. Morningstar maybe I should head back to you. The PTC obviously have RT in the bag and engaging these two alone might not be easy. I am worried, very worried.

  14. ... Oh, My, lord..

    When I read this I felt like being stabbed from different direction.

    @Missing Brother:
    Okay, I forgive you. Winged was the one to commit blasphemy by teaching you so. Winged is not God, but used to serve God.

    (Jeje, you are a troll magnet, don't you?)Family is what guides you, specially in faith. But when their teachings confuse you, then you must find the answer by yourself. God gave me some of those answers while praying. Maybe you should do it again. I know you will find answers, you are wise enough.

    @No-eyed's eyes
    You low being. How you dare to do this? Maybe I should stop calling you Winged and start calling you Blasphemer. There is no more trust.

    Quote: (...This is bad, now I'm talking like RT..)
    You;''MMMM. The Poor Knight and Little Knight, where to begin? Maybe I'll mount your head up as a symbol of hopelessness to Little Knight.''

    Me; ''I am afraid I'm not open for duels for the moment.''

    Well, now I'm.
    If you kill me, you win, if I k.o. you and make you see the Light I win.

    That's pretty much advantage for you, don't you think so?

  15. You're planning to knock me out the un-conventional way? I like you Poor Knight. I'll work something out with my "supervisor"

  16. 01001110010011110101010000100000010001110100111101001110010001010010000001001110010001010101011001000101010100100010000001000111010011110100111001000101001000000100101101001001010011000100110000100000010001000100010101001101010011110100111000100000010010110100100101001100010011000010000001010011010011000100010101001110010001000100010101010010001000000100110101000001010011100010000001001011010010010100110001001100001000000100101101001001010011000100110000100000010010110100100101001100010011000010000001010111010010010100110001001100001000000100111001000101010101100100010101010010001000000100001001000101001000000100011101001111010011100100010100100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010011100100010101010110010001010101001000100000010100110101010101010010010100100100010101001110010001000100010101010010001000000100111001000101010101100100010101010010

  17. Niil wee haavee aa prooblleem. Aany aassiistaance yoou caan giive uus woouuld bee aappreeciiaateed.

  18. Dammit. I'm on my way. I'm pretty sure I know where you are. Gimme the run down.

  19. Moorniingstaar reelaapseed iintoo "Heespeeruus." Wee neeed too keeep waatch ooveer hiim, too preeveent iinfoormaatiioon leeaaks. Thiis uunfoortuunaateely meeaans wee haavee leess peeooplee waatchiing foor Teensoor. Theeree aaree tooo feew oof uus aafteer thee iinciideent aa feew daays aago. Wee aaree iin neeed oof reeiinfoorceemeents.

  20. "Hesperus is completely gone. Purged. Deleted. DEAD. Never coming BACK. NEVER INTERFERING WITH US AGAIN."

    Should have knocked on wood, Twinkle~

  21. I'll be there in a few minutes, I just got "Delayed" by ...it doesn't even matter. Stupid jacket making me instantly recognizable.

  22. Now you're definitely not a surprise. You're one of the worst offenders. You're even worse than Zero.

  23. May I ask what exactly it is I am offending?
